
The Power of Klout

The Power of Klout; Is it Hype?

Klout is becoming popular all around, there's even reference to not dating someone who has a low Klout score! What is the big hype about this measurement tool and what does it determine?

It makes sense to know how you measure up to others in the digital space. Klout is able to track and measure how potent your digital influence is, from what you share, post, and comment on. Klout isn't about measuring popularity though, it's about influence. Content that is posted matters and has an impace, so it determines how influencial it is.

From an agency perspective, Klout helps us guide and evaluate a social media and any content related campaign more efficiently. It's a growing measurement tool that has a lot of potential and at Fuseideas we think it will continue to help us determine levels of influence for our clients.


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