
Bermuda Department of Tourism Launches New Branding Strategy


Multi-Media Campaign Spreads Message That 

Bermuda is “So Much More”

            HAMILTON, BERMUDA, August 23, 2012 – For those consumers who think that Bermuda is just pink sand beaches and turquoise waters, the Bermuda Department of Tourism (BDOT) is introducing a new branding campaign designed to spread the message that the island is as all that, plus “So Much More.”  
            The new, $4.8 million, multi-media campaign unveiled on August 17 was developed by BDOT in conjunction with its new North American advertising agency Fuseideas.  Highlighted by a new logo featuring the slogan “Bermuda – So Much More”, the campaign is the culmination of months of research and, according to Minister of Business Development and Tourism, The Hon. Wayne L. Furbert, JP, MP, is a reflection of the direction laid out by the recently introduced National Tourism Master Plan.
            “The National Tourism Master Plan helped provide a roadmap for our strategic path on this campaign,” said Furbert. “Not only will it help define the consumer’s vision of the destination, but will be a key component in our effort to re-energize the entire tourism industry.”
             Furbert continued, “The ‘Bermuda - So Much More’ campaign will communicate in a fresh and exciting way that Bermuda offers not only a breathtaking island with natural beauty, but also a nearby, culturally rich, history-infused escape with a variety of things to see, do and enjoy in all seasons, 12 months of the year.”
            The campaign will promote Bermuda’s key tourism segments as identified in the National Tourism Master Plan, including: Leisure & Entertainment, Beach, Eco & Nature, Cultural, Sports & Golf, Nautical, Cruise, Business Travel, and Meetings and Incentive groups. 

            Finally, the campaign will encourage visitation to all of the island, including the destination “hubs” identified in the National Tourism Master Plan, that include: St. George’s World Heritage Site & St. David’s Island, The City of Hamilton, South Shore Area, Royal Navy Dockyard and Offshore.
             Chairman of the Bermuda Tourism Board, The Hon. Maxwell Burgess, JP, noted that the process undertaken to develop the campaign was done with the goal to develop an iconic and lasting brand for Bermuda.
             “This is an extremely well thought-out campaign based on consumer profiling that helped us gain a deeper understanding of the Bermuda customer than ever before,” said Burgess. “We were able to fully define target segments for Bermuda’s best customer prospects and develop a campaign that is based on research and concept testing with representative consumers in our core geographic markets.”
According to Cindy Hale, President and Chief Creative Officer at Fuseideas, one of the most crucial groups in developing the campaign was the Bermudian people themselves.
              “The idea behind ‘So Much More’ ultimately came from the citizens of Bermuda,” said Hale. “Speaking to those involved on the front lines of the tourism industry – taxi drivers, hotel clerks, waiters and others, and conducting formal and non-formal interviews led us to understand there was a strong desire among Bermudians to tell a greater story about their home.”
               Hale described the thought behind “So Much More” as going beyond simply more to see and do, but describing the quintessential experience that defines Bermuda.
              “We think of it as the serendipitous moments that people experience here when interacting with Bermudians,” said Hale. “It’s the taxi driver who goes out of his way to show a visitor his favorite spot for great fish chowder, or the person on the street who stops to help a visitor find their way. These are the human moments and experiences that happen so frequently here and are what helps make this such an incredible destination with so much more to offer.”
              The local Bermudian flavor extended throughout the creative process as well with Bermudian actors and models utilized for the majority of images in the campaign.  Minister Furbert noted with excitement that “Bermuda is Another World”, one of the most iconic and beloved of all Bermudian songs, will be utilized to help tell the island’s story.
            “We are thrilled to incorporate ‘Bermuda is Another World’ into our campaign,” said Furbert. “This song is not only beloved here in Bermuda but does a better job than any other in describing the magic and beauty that is our island.”
            The song is getting an updated rendition that Furbert described as, “classic with a modern twist” using the voices of contemporary Bermudian singing stars Collie Buddz and Twanee Butterfield.
The “Bermuda – So Much More” campaign will utilize a diverse media mix, with an emphasis on television, print and online as well as radio and out-of-home in the U.S., Canada and Europe. The brand launch will also be completely integrated within all social media channels.
            Beyond advertising, the new brand launch also includes a refresh of Bermuda Tourism’s websites, direct marketing via an E-Newsletter and Email blasts, new and updated collateral, and integration into public relations messaging.
            “This new campaign marks the beginning of a new day for Bermuda tourism,” said Furbert.  “It is a day which will bring new demand for our destination, build national pride in what we have to offer, deliver impactful results and, of course, so much more.”
About Bermuda
Just under two hours from East Coast gateway cities, Bermuda stretches for 21 miles along turquoise waters and is surrounded by a 200-square-mile coral reef plateau. The destination’s accommodations range from luxury resorts to intimate guest cottages and family-run inns, all incorporating the sophistication and hospitality unique to the Bermuda experience. The island includes more than 150 restaurants to fit any traveler’s budget, from simple and inexpensive to elegant and special dining. Bermuda’s diverse activities offer an array of vacation options all year round, including more wreck dives than anywhere else in the world, more golf per square mile than anywhere else in the world, world-renowned deep sea fishing, world-class spas and smooth pink beaches.

About Fuseideas
Fuseideas, headquartered in Winchester, MA, is an interactive marketing and integrated advertising agency focused on engagement infused with breakthrough creative, technology and analytics. With billings of $50MM, the international full-service evolved agency has offices in Boston, Atlanta, Portland (Maine) and Prague. Fuseideas’ client experience includes Adidas, Comcast, Bermuda Department of Tourism, ESPN, Massachusetts State Lottery, Massport, HBO Latin America and Fox Cable Networks. More information and work examples can be found at www.fuseideas.com. Connect with Fuseideas on Facebook and Twitter.

Terence Gallagher / Christa Romano                                              
Lou Hammond & Associates                                                
Tel: (212) 308-8880; Fax: (212) 891-0200                           
E-mail: terryg@lhammond.com / christar@lhammond.com        
Sarah Taylor
Tel: (617) 776-5800

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luxury apartments buenos aires said...

This is a very informative post, thanks!

Mark Sampson said...

They launch now a brand new strategy! Way to go for their tourism.