
Integrated Social Media Communications: Measurement Success!

With a multitude of social networks to feed, and maintaining relationships with digital influencers, measurement has become instrumental in the process of any SMM campaign.

Like most elements of the integrated marketing communications process, any SMM campaign should reflect a strategy that’s initially agreed upon and understood. The goals should be clear in terms of messaging, audience and potential results. As SMM expands, it must allow for changes, tweaks and much flexibility, the message should remain solid.

In the past, we measured elements of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), such as PR, in column inches back in the glory days of print. And while print is still valuable, it offers a different experience. The online space has opened many doors for PR to explore potential opportunities. Following the same approach, SMM campaigns should also be measured accordingly. For instance, post quality, level of engagement, conversations and comments, Klout score, and overall stats count towards an effective campaign.

At Fuseideas, we believe that social media will continue to expand and create more opportunities for businesses to communicate their message. We understand that it’s how you reach out to the right audience in order to make an impact. A solid strategy with good client/agency communication that is backed up with strong measurement elements has the power to make a tremendous difference in the long term.


Redefining ROI for your social campaigns

Just when we think that social networks have found their niche, they keep evolving. The moment we think we have commanded the process of feeding the big social media monsters, a new network pops up changing the game -- even if it is for a little while. Blogs continue to enter the space, and their viral legs are becoming longer. And these days, our online presence speaks mountains about our work as digital marketers. We have more conversations online, and we are more interested in what others are thinking, buying, and "liking" in our social networks. Essentially, social media success is about relationships.

This idea about managing and nurturing online relationships affects how we determine the success of social media campaigns. It's no longer about ROI -- as digital marketers and social media PR professionals, we evaluate ROR: return on relationships.

ROR is about:

* Rewarding relationships with digital influencers, whether on Facebook and Twitter, bloggers, or Foursquare mayors

* Social media shopping and finding the right influencers to build a long term relationship with; there are so many out there, it's important to be selective and strategic about who you are reaching out to

* Evaluating and monitoring the level of engagement on the networks -- how is the message being received? Do the topics create new conversations and stir up interest?

* Being genuine in the digital space is the most effective way to penetrate the client's message

* Maintaining a strong message and ensuring others understand it well enough to start new conversations or post related content

* Nurturing online relationships just like you would face-to-face

* Treating bloggers like real journalists and rewarding their content; don't bribe them for blogging

* Establishing long-term relationships in the digital space as it grows and evolves

* Measuring the return and time invested in each of those relationships in terms of impressions, posts, conversations, viral penetration

ROR concepts are mainly derived from traditional communications tactics and relationship-building techniques. What makes online social networking different is the absence of observing body language and simple semantics. By cultivating the right online relationships with persistence and a genuine approach, those barriers are slowly uplifted and the results can be tremendous.

ROR on Facebook
Whether it's a fan page or a personal network, you build relationships with those who friend you and interact. While only 10 to 15 percent of that network generally engages on Facebook content, those numbers can fluctuate depending on the level of quality posts and content on the page. Measuring the number of "likes" gives you an indication that you're on the right track with your content, but still not enough for friends and fans to comment or start a new conversation. If you get a comment on a post, keep it going. Ask more questions to show interest. More friends and fans will read the thread and perhaps join in on the conversation. Or, they might share it on their pages. And, if not this time, maybe next time. Meanwhile, you just got a "return" on that post. It's that simple.

ROR on Twitter
Since Twitter networks are largely global and involve primarily followers who we don't know, the approach and ROR is evaluated differently. Uploading photos, sharing links, and retweeting are ways to start a conversation whether via direct message or right on TweetDeck. Either way, once you start building quality followers who retweet and comment on your tweets, then you know your message is getting out. Klout is a good measurement tool about how influencial people are on the web, which helps determine who to establish relationships with and potentially see a higher return.

ROR with bloggers
This is more PR related in the digital space. Relationships with bloggers must be nurtured, just as PR people nurture their journalist connections in magazines. Bloggers keep growing, and their impact is incredible; they post immediately, and messages go out on social networks in an instant. Building a solid relationship with the right bloggers gets you consistent exposure to other digital influencers who will share the message with their networks and comment on the post -- hopefully starting new conversations.

Quality vs. quantity
Return on relationships is also about measuring quality vs. quantity. While it is great to have 5,000 followers on Twitter, what makes a real difference is the level of engagement. If followers are starting conversations and sharing stories, opinions, and commenting on a topic, that shows solid interest -- and the content becomes high quality. If responses to topics are all about one-liners, such as "good post" or "I agree," then those don't really penetrate the network to a deeper level.

As a digital marketer, I think that ROR is the new ROI in the digital space. As new conversations come out of old ones, and as more fans and followers engage on social media, there is little room for stale posts and over-discussed topics. Keep a solid list of cutting-edge things to talk about and sound interested in your message. Just like a yawn or a smile, enthusiasm on social media is also contagious.

Dennis Franczak is the CEO and president of Fuseideas.


The Power of Klout

The Power of Klout; Is it Hype?

Klout is becoming popular all around, there's even reference to not dating someone who has a low Klout score! What is the big hype about this measurement tool and what does it determine?

It makes sense to know how you measure up to others in the digital space. Klout is able to track and measure how potent your digital influence is, from what you share, post, and comment on. Klout isn't about measuring popularity though, it's about influence. Content that is posted matters and has an impace, so it determines how influencial it is.

From an agency perspective, Klout helps us guide and evaluate a social media and any content related campaign more efficiently. It's a growing measurement tool that has a lot of potential and at Fuseideas we think it will continue to help us determine levels of influence for our clients.



Why ROR is the new ROI in the digital space

ROI is the first thing clients measure to evaluate a social media campaign. With social media expanding to a phenomenally fast rate, with the digital space gaining ground from print and traditional media... is it really about ROI or ROR?
Return on Relationships, or ROR, is a fairly new concept that has been present in traditional communications and is now applied to the digital space, including social networks and the blogosphere. With our ability to measure the effectiveness of social media during the course of a campaign, ROR becomes a vital strategic concept and a solid evaluation tool. Measuring the influence your client has in the online space matters, and ways to do that include:

- Social network shopping, i.e., identifying the right networks and digital influencers to reach out to with your client's message.

- Ensure that you are crafting a strong message that will withstand viral action (and reaction)

- Quality vs. quantity. This is important, because simply tracking impressions will not give you the full picture of how the campaign is working. Post quality leads to new conversations, sharing, new posts, and an entirely new level of engagement in social media.

We are at a point in digital media where everything is about posting and sharing content. Digital marketing firms must find strategic ways to provide a growing ROR for their clients, in a space that continues to expand - unpredictably. At the same time, as more quality content is managed properly online, and as new relationships are established with the right influencers, then ROR should be able flourish.

Talk to us about how you can gain ROR in the digital space: www.fuseideas.com

Why ROR is the new ROI in the digital space

ROI is the first thing clients measure to evaluate a social media campaign. With social media expanding to a phenomenally fast rate, with the digital space gaining ground from print and traditional media... is it really about ROI or ROR?
Return on Relationships, or ROR, is a fairly new concept that has been present in traditional communications and is now applied to the digital space, including social networks and the blogosphere. With our ability to measure the effectiveness of social media during the course of a campaign, ROR becomes a vital strategic concept and a solid evaluation tool. Measuring the influence your client has in the online space matters, and ways to do that include:

- Social network shopping, i.e., identifying the right networks and digital influencers to reach out to with your client's message.

- Ensure that you are crafting a strong message that will withstand viral action (and reaction)

- Quality vs. quantity. This is important, because simply tracking impressions will not give you the full picture of how the campaign is working. Post quality leads to new conversations, sharing, new posts, and an entirely new level of engagement in social media.

We are at a point in digital media where everything is about posting and sharing content. Digital marketing firms must find strategic ways to provide a growing ROR for their clients, in a space that continues to expand - unpredictably. At the same time, as more quality content is managed properly online, and as new relationships are established with the right influencers, then ROR should be able flourish.
Talk to us about how you can gain ROR in the digital space: www.fuseideas.com